When looking for a quick meal, it can often be difficult to find something healthy amongst the smorgasbord of unhealthily options that dominate the market. Luckily, outlets such as the Nutrition Bar on Swan St are here to fill the void.

With a focus on and dedication to providing a healthy alternative, the store offers a plethora of options ideal for anybody on the move. The Nutrition Bar specialises in a variety of green smoothies, pressed juices, protein shakes, acai bowls and more.

Located in a close proximity to a number of gyms and health clubs in the local Richmond area, the store caters perfectly to this clientele, providing great options for a pre or post work out meal. As many as six different protein shakes are available, with different options to suit almost every customer.

The Nutrition Bar also lays the nutritional content of its food right on the table, providing the energy content and specifics of all of its items on the menu. For those on a strict diet or those who are simply curious, the information is on full display. Vegetarian, vegan and paleo options alike are also on offer here.

Open daily throughout the working week from 7am to 4pm and 8am on weekends, the Nutrition Bar  is an ideal healthy, clean and quick choice for breakfast, lunch or an early dinner. It is located on 121 Swan St, across the road from the Swan St Shopping Centre.